July 8, 2024

CHICAGOAntisemitic flyers relating to the war between Israel and Hamas were posted on Chicago’s 50th Ward office Sunday night.

Debra Silverstein, 50th Ward Alderperson, said the “hateful flyers” were a direct attack on her beliefs.

She is the only Jewish member of the Chicago City Council.

“Free speech is the hallmark of our democracy, but when that expression crosses the line into hate, we must speak out,” Silverstein said in a statement.

Since the war began on Oct. 7 of last year, Silverstein said Jews have been increasingly targeted.

“No one should ever be victimized based on their religious identity. It is time for our leaders in Chicago to speak out loudly and clearly that antisemitism will not be tolerated and hate has no home in our city,” Silverstein said.

One of the flyers taped to the office window on Devon Avenue read, “Save Gaza. Shame on you Debra. 36,00 dead.”

Chicago police were investigating the incident. The surveillance footage from the office was being analyzed.

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