July 27, 2024

El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser, a Democrat, gave the Biden Administration a good piece of his mind Saturday on the border issue.

“The city of El Paso only has so many resources and we have come to… a breaking point right now,” El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser, a Democrat, said at a news conference Saturday.

Leeser’s comments come as El Paso has faced over 2,000 migrants per day crossing the border and seeking asylum in the city, putting a strain on resources and overflowing the available shelter space.

“So, this is something that we’ve been prepared for, but these numbers have really escalated a lot quicker than we ever anticipated,” he added.

The city is just one of several border cities in Texas and California facing a surge in mostly Venezuelan asylum seekers, according to a Reuters report, with many taking dangerous routes on buses and cargo trains to reach the U.S. border.


Mayor Leeser isn’t the only Texas border-town mayor, nor the only Democrat, to take the Biden administration to task on this issue.

Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas told CNN a few days ago that he declared a state of emergency in his city of 30,000 people after 5,000 migrants crossed over the border into the city from Piedras Negras, Mexico. Salinas said Biden has “abandoned” border communities and complained that no one from the White House has reached out amid the crisis.

“I believe 100 percent [Biden] does, he bears some responsibility for this crisis. I haven’t heard from anybody in the administration. The president hasn’t put out a statement, the vice president, I haven’t heard from anybody,” Salinas said.

“We’re here abandoned. We’re on the border, we’re asking for help. This is unacceptable,” he stated.

Sister Toldjah brought us the story of Eagle Pass on Friday; see her piece for more details.

President Biden last week issued a series of bizarre statements on the topics of the economy and “Mega Republicans” as well as the border crisis, and as my colleague Bonchie noted, none of it made much sense. Indeed, in another article, Bonchie points out how the Biden Administration is actually encouraging the flow from Venezuela.

This is no longer an immigration issue or a border protection issue. This is an invasion, pure and simple, and the Biden administration seems helpless to do anything about it except when they actively encourage it. Thousands upon thousands are streaming over the border, largely unchecked, largely un-screened, for disease, criminal history, or anything else. There are no effective controls on the border. Wall construction is halted. The Border Patrol is overwhelmed. Border-state governors are increasingly taking matters into their own hands, having given up on waiting for Washington to take any real action.


And the legacy media is running interference for the Biden administration on this and a host of other topics. The one encouraging data point to come out of all this is that, as the crisis gets worse, Americans are showing signs of being good and sick of the Biden Administration’s inaction.

But at least the government is preventing any suspicious squirrels from entering the country.

It’s likely that illegal immigration and the southern border will be the issue for the 2024 Presidential campaign. That’s an issue that bodes well for whoever the GOP nominee is, as they are all stronger on the border than the Biden administration is now or whoever the Democrat nominee will be next year. Mind you, that’s setting the bar pretty low.

Until then, in towns like El Paso and Eagle Pass, not to mention Brownsville, Nogales, McAllen, and many others, the locals are overwhelmed, the national legacy media is blind, the Biden administration is elsewhere, and the citizens are growing angry.

Marty Robbins was unavailable for comment.

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