July 27, 2024

I think it’s safe to say at this point that Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s decision to “quietly” and “informally” change the Senate’s dress code over the weekend to accommodate Sen. John Fetterman’s penchant for wearing hoodies and shorts to work has been met with far more criticism and pushback – and defensiveness from Fetterman – than Schumer expected.


When last we left you with Sen. Fetterman, he was on Chris Hayes’ MSNBC program bizarrely advising his GOP critics to “hump a different leg” on the issue of possible government shutdown. 

He did this after committing several self-owns on Twitter on the dress code change thing – including one where he tried to dunk on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene saying etiquette should be respected by pointing to her actions during a July IRS whistleblower hearing where she displayed graphic (but censored) photos of Hunter Biden having sex with alleged hookers.

“The Senate no longer enforcing a dress code for Senators to appease Fetterman is disgraceful,” Rep. Greene wrote on her Twitter page Sunday, not long after the change was announced. 

“Dress code is one of society’s standards that set etiquette and respect for our institutions. Stop lowering the bar!” 

In response, Fetterman tweeted, “Thankfully, the nation’s lower chamber lives by a higher code of conduct: displaying ding-a-ling pics in public hearings.” It was a comment he also repeated on Hayes’ show.

Not to be outdone, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to the Twitter machine later in the day Monday to make the same point to MTG, likely thinking (as she often does) that she had a winning argument:


Except no…

Ocasio-Cortez’s response? As of this writing, crickets.  Then again she’s infamous for running from fights she tries to pick on social media, so her doing it this time around should be no surprise whatsoever.

As I said before, while the Senate lowering its dress code standards for Senators (the original standards still apply to staff and guests) is probably not a hill most Republicans in DC figure is worth dying on, it’s important to make the larger point as Greene (and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis) did in talking about either keeping or raising standards and not lowering them. 

This of course goes beyond dress codes and extends to public school classrooms, businesses, and beyond, where the lowering of standards over the years in the name of “inclusivity” and not hurting feelings has created big problems.


Congressional hearings are a totally different game, though, in my opinion, in terms of not observing the same type of decorum typically seen in the House and Senate. Why? Because those hearings sometimes involve hearing from witnesses and reviewing evidence on alleged wrongdoing by government officials and agencies. If those hearings have to get a little ugly in order to get to the truth, so be it.

Flashback: Marjorie Taylor Greene Raises Eyebrows With Curious Response to Christie’s Vivek/Obama Comparison

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