July 27, 2024

American parents are well aware that the nation’s public schools are becoming nothing more than indoctrination day camps designed to create fledgling liberal activists. Now included in the curriculum are things like social justice and transgenderism, but being excluded are the rights of parents to know what goes on in their child’s classroom. While parents may be demanding that kids be taught things like reading, writing, and arithmetic, teachers and school officials are figuring out ways to sneak the left’s agenda into virtually every subject children are being taught. The latest subjects to include climate change will be in…wait for it…math class and English class.


On Wednesday, the New Jersey Board of Education approved math and language arts standards for K-12 students that include “climate change education.” The extra content in New Jersey’s public school curriculum is not necessarily new. New Jersey became the first state in the nation in 2020 to approve climate change content into the curriculum. The idea, they say, is to usher in a new generation of “students that can analyze, question, interpret, to think independently, and bring critical deduction” to the “burgeoning industries of the future green economy.” Climate change content has already become a part, at least in New Jersey, of other subjects like technology, health, science, and world history. By a vote of 6-4, the Board of Education decided that no class would be off-limits to indoctrinating New Jersey schoolchildren on climate change.

Now included in the standards for teachers are small green symbols which will assist them in creating for students what is being called “opportunities to integrate specific examples of climate change education provided by additional age-appropriate resources.” These notes are designed to help teachers create supplemental units to discuss climate change in order to have authentic learning experiences integrating a range of perspectives.”


Elaine Bobrove is a member of the Board of Education and is on board with the new standards. She said, 

“These standards are really meaningful because it gives a way to teach. You need to have some kind of an example so students can feel like ‘I’m learning something. I’m doing something,” that there is a meaning, that it’s not just numbers, it’s not just sounds of words.”

As you might expect, the new standards have the full support of the majority of the board. However, not everyone is in favor of the new content, especially in classes that are not science-related. Andrew Mulvihill is the vice president of the board. He called the new additions to the curriculum out:

“I don’t think we should be teaching subjects that have nothing to do with math and English in math and English. This idea of teaching climate change in every class, in every subject matter, it kind of smells of indoctrination.”

In addition to Mulvihill, three other board members voted “no” on the new standards. This is also not the first politically charged issue the Board of Education has been focused on. Back in August, the Board battled over definitions and requirements regarding LGBTQ+ students. Mulvihill also made reference to that issue and again called out his fellow board members for injecting politics into the curriculum, saying:


“Here we sit again with politics finding its way into the state board’s business. I don’t think that whoever’s in charge should pick something they think is important to them and put it in every grade level, in every subject matter.”

Like many other states in the nation, New Jersey has plenty more to worry about when it comes to the education of their students than climate change and LGBTQ+ issues. Assessment test scores for the 2021-2022 school year, the first time tests were taken since the pandemic, do not reflect well on New Jersey’s public schools. Just 36.1 percent of students met or exceeded expectations in math, down from 44.8 percent from the 2018-2019 school year, the last time the test was given. The same results were seen in English/Language Arts skills. Test scores there slipped from 58.2 percent to 49.3 percent. Add to that chronic absenteeism that has doubled in the past three years, going from 10.6 percent to 18.1 percent. 

But the three Rs have taken a backseat to social justice and climate change. The New Jersey Board of Education, as well as other state Boards of Education, might tell you they want to teach students how to “analyze, question, interpret, and think independently,” yet they are doing anything but. However, at the end of the day, New Jersey is a blue state, and public comments made at the Board of Education meeting were in strong support of the new standards.


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