July 27, 2024

There were widespread reports at the first of the week on what one of the central themes of Joe Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address was going to be:

To paraphrase, it will boil down to asking the American people: “Whose side are you on? America’s or Donald Trump’s?”


While portraying oneself as the only true upholder and defender of America’s ideals is a political campaign tactic that is as old as time, openly seeking out advice from celebrities who have played the role of an elected official in TV shows and movies is… most certainly not. That is unless you happen to be the octogenarian President of the United States and you desperately need help in the “looking aware and relatable” department.

Incredibly, that is exactly what Joe Biden’s handlers treated voters to on Thursday, sharing to the official POTUS Twitter account a highly staged clip of the purported leader of the free world consulting via video conference with Hollywood celebrity “presidents” on how to give a good speech ahead of the State of the Union.

Among the actors who appeared in the video were Morgan Freeman, Bill Pullman, and Michael Douglas.

I kid you not:

Some of the responses to the cringe clip joked about other celebrity “presidents” who weren’t included, like Harrison Ford, Kevin Kline, and Martin Sheen.

But there were a lot of folks who pointed out how they couldn’t believe that Biden and his team thought it would be a smart idea to showcase him seeking advice for one of the most important speeches a world leader will ever give from people who had no experience whatsoever in that role.


“Who at the real White House thought this was a good idea?!?! Yikes,” Ric Grenell, former acting DNI under Trump, also wondered

The same people who thought that Seth Meyers softball “interview” Biden did would go over well.

Except when it didn’t.

READ: Sad Trombone Plays for Joe Biden After Ratings Come in for Seth Meyers Interview

The same people who are thinking that the bizarre Biden alliance with the Cookie Monster is going to be a winning strategy.

The same people who think having Biden play into the “Dark Brandon” memes make him appear less old in the eyes of the younger generation of voters whom Biden needs in November.

The problem with all these various strategies is that no matter how many stages, scripts, teleprompters, ring lights, make-up artists, carefully created backdrops, and directors that you have, Joe Biden will still be… Joe Biden.

Even in the “past presidents” production, he still looks wooden. In fact, several times when the camera pans to him he has the same exact look on his face, as though he barely moved throughout the filming.


Biden is 81 years old and, to put it mildly, he’s got some issues. It’s not a knock on older people. Heck, my mom is 80, and I love her and would do anything for her. But I wouldn’t want her to be president. I think most people would say the same thing about their senior loved ones as well.

It’s a tough job and one that requires you to be sharp, focused, on point, and coherent while projecting strength on a world stage at all times – even when you’re not feeling it.

Joe Biden is long past that point, which is why the Biden White House and his campaign staff are pulling out all the props stops to try and drag him over the finish line in the fall.

Will it work? Only time will tell. But judging by all available polling on the matter, it’s going to be a hard sell with voters to convince them that Biden is not too old and cognitively unwell to lead the nation at this point in the game. 

Related –>> Way to Go, Joe: The Appalling Footnote to the Laken Riley Murder Case – and the George Floyd Connection

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