July 27, 2024


Canadian diplomat ordered to leave the country in five days, hours after Ottawa expels Indian diplomat over the killing of a Sikh separatist.

A senior Canadian diplomat has been ordered to leave India, the Indian foreign ministry said, hours after Ottawa expelled an Indian diplomat in an escalating rift over the killing of a Sikh separatist earlier this year.

New Delhi’s decision reflected its “growing concern at the interference of Canadian diplomats in our internal matters and their involvement in anti-India activities”, the foreign ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

The duelling expulsions come as relations between Canada and India are tense. Trade talks have been derailed and Canada just cancelled a trade mission to India that was planned later this year.

Protests by pro-Sikh independence groups in Canada have angered Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government.

Canada on Monday said it was “actively pursuing credible allegations” linking Indian government agents to the murder of the Sikh separatist in British Columbia in June.

India dismissed the Canadian accusation as “absurd and motivated” and urged it instead to take legal action against anti-Indian elements operating from its soil.

More to follow.

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