July 27, 2024

The scandal of the century is unfolding at this very moment, leaving political onlookers wondering: Did Joe Biden collude with the Cookie Monster?

I know it seems like I’m joking, but only half so. There’s reason to believe that the President of the United States improperly gave money to “Sesame Street” only for the show’s characters to begin repeating White House talking points.


READ: Biden and Dems Faceplant With ‘Cookie Monster’ Shrinkflation Gambit

Here’s the post that started all this. 

For those that aren’t familiar with the term, “shrinkflation” is the idea that producers (usually of food) are purposely ripping off consumers by keeping prices the same but lowering the amount of product they are providing. Biden has recently made the battle against “shrinkflation” a major campaign issue, even putting out an ad during the Super Bowl complaining about it. 

You’ve probably figured out the problem by now. The only reason “shrinkflation” exists is because of the inflation caused by the Biden administration’s policies. It’s a way to not raise prices while covering the increased costs of production. There’s nothing nefarious about it. It’s simply evidence of the current president’s failures. That’s what makes his embrace of the talking point so pathetic and misleading. 


The White House responded with this. 

So was all this just a coincidence? Or did the White House orchestrate a political messaging campaign with “Sesame Workshop,” which has received a huge increase in government funding under Biden? It sure seems like the latter if you follow the money.

Sesame Street’s foray into the “shrinkflation” debate could raise questions about whether the White House and Sesame Street coordinated to push talking points to help Biden. Democrats have increasingly criticized corporations for “shrinkflation” in an effort to shift blame for rising prices off the president. According to a recent CBS News poll, 55 percent of voters say they believe Biden’s policies will contribute more to inflation, while only 17 percent expect the Democrat’s policies to slow inflation.

Leaders of Sesame Workshop, the organization behind Sesame Street, would certainly like to see Biden stymie concerns about inflation. In Biden’s three years in office, federal agencies have awarded $23 million to Sesame Workshop, federal spending records show. Agencies gave just $8 million to the nonprofit during the Trump years.


To summarize, a government-funded entity that is supposed to be non-partisan is pushing talking points for an administration that just so happens to be giving them tens of millions of dollars. Nothing to see there. I’m sure it’s fine. 

Of note is that the plan worked as intended. Mainstream press outlets rushed to print articles about the Cookie Monster and “shrinkflation.” 

So, did Biden grease the palms of the Cookie Monster with taxpayer money? I can’t say for sure, but the appearance of impropriety certainly exists, and I’ve got no intention of giving the current president and his handlers the benefit of the doubt.

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