July 27, 2024

When I wrote about the first glimpses we’re hearing about the transcripts of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interviews with President Joe Biden, the first thing that I thought was how unbelievable Biden’s excuses were. 


Biden apparently told the Hur team during the interview that he had no idea how the documents got there that were all over his house, even out in the garage. He even had documents from the time he was in the Senate through the time he was Vice President, so that included documents he had no right to possess outside of a SCIF. The Senate ones are especially disturbing, and I want to know how he walked those documents out and what security there is to stop this from happening again. Plus that’s far worse than if you’re president and had a right to the documents. Biden blamed his staff for this behavior that spanned decades, wanting us to believe that the documents just showed up at his house without his knowledge, despite some of them being found with his notes in them. How did the staff walk them out of a SCIF when he was in the Senate? 


Hur’s Opening Statement and First Glimpses of Biden’s Unbelievable Excuses, Memory Losses

WATCH LIVE: House Judiciary Hearing on Report of Special Counsel Robert Hur

George Washington law professor Jonathan Turley was having a hard time with that one, too. 


Moreover, if Biden’s excuse is that he just doesn’t remember anything now about all these actions for decades, then how could anyone believe that he was up to occupying the highest office in the land? If your memory is that bad, you should be getting help, not running for office. 

Turley said this was going to “test the skill of Democratic pundits” to try to sell Biden’s mental sharpness after this. 

Staffers — who he can’t remember or name — somehow have access to his home, for decades, just dropping these things everywhere. 

Funny how that happened. Those crafty staffers! 


Then Turley warned about the media’s next move and the enormous amount of copium that we were about to see incoming. 

That’s funny because it’s just so on target. 

The big thing that stands out here again is the complete double standard going on when it comes to how Biden was treated, getting a pass for decades of this atrocious behavior vs. former President Donald Trump, who is having the hammer dropped on him for far less, in my opinion. 

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