July 26, 2024

One of the more frustrating things about watching the Congressional hearing on the Hur report Tuesday was having to endure the abject, deliberate obnoxiousness of the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, including Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and his smear attempts against Special Counsel Robert Hur.


Between that and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) essentially saying Hur had an obligation to sanitize the report in order to make Joe Biden look good in a presidential election year, it was almost enough to make you want to click off the live feed.

READ: Hur Shatters WH Spin on Biden Memory Problems by Pointing to Exactly Who Made It an Issue – With Receipts

But perhaps what took the cake during the hearing was when Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) bizarrely tried to claim that Hur had “completely exonerated” Joe Biden with his report and testimony. As RedState reported, Hur immediately countered her statement even as she tried to shut him up by using a procedural trick to claim her time:

“I need to go back and make sure that I take note of the word that you used. ‘Exoneration.’ That is not a word used in the report and that is not part of my task as a prosecutor. The judgment that I received and that I ultimately reached was relating to whether sufficient evidence existed such that the likely outcome would be a conviction,” Hur responded.

“You exonerated him,” Jayapal said.

“I did not exonerate him,” Hur said firmly. “That word does not appear in the report, Congresswoman.”


For those who missed it, watch:

Despite Hur correcting her deliberate falsehood, Jayapal took to the Twitter machine sometime later – where Hur was not around to refute her – to once again play dictionary games, as though that proved her point:

As the bottom of the tweet indicated, she was Community Noted in response, which included a link to the statement Hur made during the hearing on the matter.

I mean, this is not rocket science, and you don’t have to be a lawyer or a member of Congress to figure it out. As my colleagues here and many other conservatives have observed, just because Hur said Biden with his age and memory issues might make a jury more sympathetic to him does not equate to Biden being “exonerated” by the special counsel. Good grief.


A more fitting definition to note in the conversation was for the word “lie,” which just so happens to be Jayapal’s middle name:

Joe Biden’s apologists have no shame. They truly don’t.

Flashback: Ronny Jackson Rubs Salt in Joe Biden’s Hur Report Wounds, Has Post-DNC Suggestion for Democrats

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