July 27, 2024

When was the last time you experienced joy? Like, just pure, unabashed, outright joy? I was prompted to ask that Sunday morning as I happened upon a compilation video tweeted by the MIZZOU Football account following the team’s upset victory over the 15th-ranked Kansas State Wildcats on a walk-off 61-yard field goal on Saturday. 


I’m not going to lie – college hasn’t been the happiest experience for my daughter, who’s now a senior at my alma mater. She’s the Class of 2020 – the kids whose senior proms and high school graduations got canceled or delayed at best and who started college at a time when masks were mandated and socializing was all but forbidden. Also in an era of extreme politicization and an atmosphere where right-of-center views are less than welcome. 

Her opportunity to just be a young adult and freely enjoy some of the collegiate rites of passage of years gone by was severely restricted. And she and her peers have come of age in a time of turmoil and increasing malaise. 

So watching the sheer elation wash across the faces of the students and hearing their exuberant whoops Saturday in response to that improbable win actually put a lump in my throat. We don’t get to see that sort of thing nearly enough these days. My fervent wish is to see much more of it — for all of us, young and old alike. 


This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Monday, September 18. Audio included below.

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