July 27, 2024

The presidential contest in November is set, and, barring unforeseen circumstances, the two major party candidates facing off will be current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. We’ve seen numerous polls indicating a significant amount of dissatisfaction with this 2020 rematch. 


If I’m being perfectly honest, I was hoping for different candidates, too — ones a bit less long in the tooth and a bit less burdened with baggage — though between the two of them, in my view, the choice is a clear one. 

Which brings me to why, in a perhaps unexpected way, I think this election may actually have a silver lining: For the first time in over a century, Americans have the opportunity to choose between two men with contrasting presidential records.

And all the campaign rhetoric and media spin in the world won’t change the fact that most Americans who plan to vote in 2024 are old enough to remember what things were like in 2016 and 2020. They’re old enough to remember what the economy and the border and foreign relations looked like under the back-to-back administrations. 

They may ultimately make their choice based on party or personality, but at minimum, they’ll have had the opportunity to compare the Biden and Trump records. And that’s a rare gift.

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Wednesday, April 3rd. Audio included below.

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