July 26, 2024

Contrary to what the Very Online Left says, Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) is not a very nice person. So between that, and the fact that she’s a woke Democrat with an overinflated opinion of herself, schadenfreude was quick to set in amongst her critics Tuesday night when it was clear from Senate primary results she wouldn’t be advancing to the general election.


As RedState reported in the aftermath, Porter and her primary night sore loser speech were something else, with Porter stating without evidence that the deck had been stacked against her and whining that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) had done what many candidates in past California primaries had done: help set conditions to make it so he would be competing against someone perceived to be the weaker candidate in the fall.

READ: Sore Loser Katie Porter and Her Primary Night Speech Were a Sight to Behold

Not even 24 hours later, as we also noted,  Porter took to the Twitter machine to share an against-all-odds rant, complaining about how the system was allegedly “rigged” by “billionaires” – but that she would still “be fighting for you.” 

It was her claim of “rigging” that raised eyebrows considering how Democrats have previously declared such statements to be a threat to democracy or something. The statement brought about a Community Note, which was added to the bottom of Porter’s tweet:


Hours later, Porter posted a clarification, proclaiming – again without evidence – that the Golden State’s vote counting and election processes were “beyond reproach”:

Meanwhile, high-profile members of Porter’s own party were openly rebuking her:

Porter’s claim spurred an indirect rebuke from Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), who wrote that California’s vote was “not rigged.” And Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), who formerly oversaw California voting as the state’s top elections official, called the notion “ridiculous” without naming Porter.

“It’s not rigged,” Padilla told POLITICO. “As the former secretary of state of California, I can assure you of the integrity of the elections and the results.”

The cherry on top for those of us on Team Schadenfreude was when Schiff himself weighed in and positioned himself as being above the fray, essentially urging Porter and other social media-obsessed Democrats like her to grow up:

“There’s a message for other Democrats…that we need to move away from the performative politics, the emphasis on how many views you can get…as compared to how much good you can do.”

Watch the performative and Shifty Schiff do performative things himself below:


For someone like Porter, who views herself as some type of moral arbiter of what’s right and wrong with establishment types in DC, a rebuke coming from a snake like Schiff had to sting.

So where does Katie Porter go from here? Will she move on or keep digging?

Needless to say, we’re hoping for option B. Keep digging, Katie Porter. Just keep on digging.

Related: Ted Cruz Has Inconvenient Reminder for Katie Porter After Absurd ‘One Instance’ Claim in Laken Riley Case

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