July 26, 2024

President Joe Biden just got some horrible news. A new poll shows that he is trailing not one, but three Republican presidential candidates. While the election is still more than a year away, these numbers do not portend good fortune for Bidenā€™s chances of winning re-election.


The poll suggests that several GOP candidates are ahead of Biden in a hypothetical matchup, which could spell trouble for him at the ballot box next year.

President Biden is trailing former President Trump, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) in several hypothetical 2024 match-ups in a new survey from Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll shared with The Hill.

The poll found that 44 percent of respondents said they would vote for Trump when asked about a hypothetical match-up between him and Biden in 2024, while 40 percent said they would back the current president. A separate 15 percent said they were unsure or didnā€™t know.

The polling is largely unchanged from a similar Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll conducted in July, which had Trump at 45 percent and Biden at 40 percent.

The poll also found that 41 percent said they would back Haley, compared to 37 percent who said they would support Biden. When asked about a match between Biden and Scott, the president received 37 percent, while Scott received 39 percent.

Interestingly enough, the poll also showed Biden defeating Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence.

The poll, however, found that Biden performed better against former Vice President Mike Pence ā€” Biden received 42 percent while Pence received 36 percent; Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who trailed Biden 42 percent to 38 percent; and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who came in at 37 percent while Biden received 39 percent.

Trump continues to dominate the Republican presidential primaries by a wide margin. But what is even more interesting about this poll is that neither Haley nor Scott have broken into double digits, according to the most recent RealClearPolitics average. This is certainly an unexpected development.


Over the past few months, polling has shown that Americans are increasingly concerned about the presidentā€™s age and cognitive abilities. They have also indicated that most Democratic voters would rather see a different candidate vie for the presidency. Nevertheless, Biden remains the candidate so far.

Still, it is worth noting that this is just one poll and we have over a year until the election is decided. But these findings should not be dismissed lightly. Biden is the incumbent, which means he should be leading in the polls, even this early in the process. The fact that he is trailing multiple potential opponents is not a good sign for Democrats.

Further compounding the issue is the reality that concerns about Biden’s age and cognitive abilities arenā€™t going away. Biden is still getting older, and he continues to beclown himself whenever he gives a speech or press conference. While it isnā€™t impossible that his campaign could turn things around, these numbers show that such an undertaking wonā€™t be an easy one.

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