July 27, 2024

TONIGHT at 8 pm EST, it is time for the RedState VIP Gold show with Duke, Scott, and first Wednesday of the month guest Brad Slager.

We are breaking down the results of last night’s Super Tuesday contest, which finally sunk Nikki Haley’s bid for the GOP nomination for president. We will also discuss whether Donald Trump will actually face off with Sneaky Joe or if the Democrats will show him the door.


Not a VIP Gold member yet? The best time to join is NOW, as the election season is heating up. There’s so much great content awaiting you, not only here at RedState, but with your VIP Gold subscription, you’ll have access to VIP content across all of the Townhall Media sites, including Townhall, Twitchy, HotAir, Bearing Arms, and PJ Media. To thank you, our readers, for your continued support, we’re offering 50% off VIP memberships when you use code SAVEAMERICA. You can use that to extend your current membership, to upgrade (the VIP Gold annual membership is by far the best value!), or to give the gift of RedState VIP membership to a friend or family member during this holiday season.

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