July 27, 2024

We saw Attorney General Merrick Garland testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. 

Members of the House were grilling him on the question of weaponization and politicization of the Department of Justice. 


He had to be the worst witness ever. 

As we reported, Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) nailed Garland over his contradictory testimony about the authority given to U.S. Attorney David Weiss before he was made Special Counsel in the Hunter Biden probe. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) grilled Garland as to whether he’d committed perjury over his comments about government assets on the ground at the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot. Then Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) went to town on Garland over Jan. 6, Hunter Biden’s art, and whether Joe Biden was compromised over China, given the millions that went into Biden family bank accounts and the DOJ getting rid of the Trump initiative that helped check the malign influence of China. 

They all hit on different aspects of the problem with Garland. But Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN), as someone who fled Soviet control, went to the broader concern that we all have as Americans about the weaponization of the government against the people that we’re seeing. 

You can hear her voice break as she talks about why she came here as a young person, “I believed in the value as an American, not to be afraid of my government.” She asked him if he was aware that many Americans were now afraid. 


But his response to that heartfelt concern she expressed was to cast it as “attacks” on the DOJ, which wasn’t what she said. But that’s typical of an authoritarian regime that casts criticism as an attack, so it then can be shut down. That’s the very problem she’s worried about. 

Spartz brought up how her constituents were concerned and referred to the thousands of FISA violations, violating the rights of the American people. “It’s like KGB,” Spartz proclaimed.

Then she looked at the other side of the coin, how they appoint Special Counsels, and then they don’t have to answer any questions on the case. She pointed out how the cases against Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden were “slow-walked.” Yet the cases against former President Donald Trump are “very quick.” She noted how the statute of limitations had expired [I think she’s referring to some of the potential charges against Hunter Biden], and then agents seemed to suffer from a lot of amnesia when questioned. “You probably should put that as part of your hiring policy,” she said to him sarcastically about testing for amnesia. 


Spartz also brought up Ukraine and said that things like this can affect the war, where people are dying, that the American people don’t trust Joe Biden, and the connection of his son to “corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs.” 

Then she made a terrific point: that these harmful actions feed the propaganda that the Democrats claim they are against from Russia and China. So these actions are helping to “destabilize” our country. “That is a danger to our republic,” she declared. “It is significant danger.” 

She’s right on target. We are on the cusp of a police state, with all kinds of indicators screaming it out. If we don’t stand up to call it out, as she has, it may be too late. 

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