July 27, 2024

A new congressional report details how the now-defunct January 6th committee massaged the facts to push a chosen political narrative.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk along with the Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight, which was investigating the behavior of Liz Cheney and Democrats, released the 81-page report on Tuesday. Among the allegations is that the January 6th committee deleted evidence and hired Hollywood producers to deliver a “predetermined narrative” instead of giving the public an unbiased, transparent accounting.


“For nearly two years, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th Select Committee promoted hearsay and cherry-picked information to promote its political goal – to legislatively prosecute former President Donald Trump,” Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., chairman of the Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight, said in a statement accompanied by his “Initial Findings Report” on Monday. 

“It was no surprise that the Select Committee’s final report focused primarily on former President Trump and his supporters, not the security failures and reforms needed to ensure the United States Capitol is safer today than in 2021.”‘

The fact that members of the January 6th committee went out and spent taxpayer money to hire Hollywood producers to spice up their primetime hearings is a deeply negative indictment of their work. You don’t need spectacle if the point of something is to produce a factual picture of what happened.

The evidence should have been allowed to speak for itself. Instead, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, and the rest of the committee decided to abuse their power for political gain. There was never any attempt to investigate January 6th within the scope of the House’s actual jurisdiction, which would have demanded a heavy focus on the security failures that took place. Instead, it was decided that everything would revolve around Donald Trump and other Republicans so it would influence the next several election cycles. 


Aside from the faux pomp and circumstance of the January 6th committee, Loudermilk’s report also alleges that evidence was deleted. Specifically, over one hundred “deleted or password-protected files” were recovered. Further, some of the files were deleted days before Republicans gained control of the majority in early 2023 in an obvious attempt to cover up how dishonest the January 6th committee had been with some of its assertions. 

As RedState reported recently, one hidden transcript that was recently unearthed included testimony corroborating that Trump had requested the D.C. National Guard be used to help secure the area. Mayor Muriel Bowser denied the request. 

READ: January 6th Committee Hid Testimony Corroborating Trump Request for the National Guard

Cheney spent years claiming that Trump not only made no attempt to secure the Capital but that he was actively attempting to sabotage any response. The transcript mentioned above countered her narrative so she and the rest of the committee hid it. That is just one example of how the January 6th committee’s “final report” was nothing but a flawed, politicized document that cherry-picked evidence to paint a narrow and inaccurate picture of what occurred. 

In response to Loudermilk’s report, Cheney lashed out, once again drawing on emotion instead of addressing her behavior. 


What you see above is called projection. No one has tried to cover up what Trump did regarding January 6th, but that is exactly what Cheney and company did. The truth, which was that an unplanned, short-lived riot occurred, was too mundane. They wanted a massive conspiracy so they spun one. Only years later is the real story coming out, and no one will be held accountable for misleading the public. 

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