July 27, 2024

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the deepening cooperation between Russia and North Korea is becoming increasingly dangerous.

Source: European Pravda and CNN, with reference to a speech by Blinken at the ROK-US Strategic Forum

Details: Blinken remarked that the recent visit of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to Russia was a demonstration of “threats to broader security” from North Korea.

He stated that Russia is “desperate to find equipment, supplies, technology for its ongoing aggression against Ukraine”, while North Korea is “looking for help to strengthen and advance its own missile programs”.

Blinken said that the US considers the cooperation between Russia and North Korea “a two-way street that is increasingly dangerous”.

“We’re working hand-in-hand with other partners and allies to highlight the dangerous ways Russia and North Korea’s military cooperation threaten global peace and security,” Blinken added.

G7 countries fear that Russia is negotiating with North Korea about arms supplies in exchange for ballistic missiles production technology.

Meanwhile, a top US general has said he believes potential aid from North Korea to Russia is unlikely to be significant.

The US has threatened to actively apply current sanctions against Pyongyang and impose new ones if North Korea supplies Moscow with weapons for its war in Ukraine.

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