July 27, 2024

A senior Hamas official said Monday that the group is open to discussions with Israel over a possible truce in the three-day-old war as it has “achieved its targets.” Moussa Abu Marzouk, deputy chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, told Reuters that the terrorist organization is open to ā€œsomething of that sortā€ and ā€œall political dialogues.ā€ In a separate statement to Al Jazeera, Marzouk said:


We are open to any mediations or political dialogues, and what we have achieved is a step forward. Palestinians can not breach the Egyptian borders anymore as it happened in the past. The myth of the invincible Israeli army has fallen. We appreciate the stance of our brothers in Qatar regarding the current situation. Russia has had an honorable stance in the Security Council and has been in contact with us regarding our position. The Americans cannot impose calm at the moment due to the humiliation Israel has faced.

Ironically, this statement came at about the same time a Hamas military leader was pledging to execute a hostage on camera each time an Israeli strike hits “innocent civilians” in Gaza (As Hamas Threatens to Kill Hostages on Camera, Joe Biden Calls a Lid), and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was promising deserved retribution for the murder of innocents over the weekend saying, “What we will do to our enemies in the coming days will reverberate with them for generations,ā€ see Netanyahu: ‘What We Will Do to Our Enemy in the Next Few Days Will Echo for Generations’.


I think the best interpretation of this offer is that Marzouk is either wishcasting and trying to make the paid stop, or he’s declaring victory for domestic and regional consumption and trying to make the “Zionist entity” the bad guy for turning down a truce.

Given the horrendous conduct of the armed mob of psychopaths and sexual degenerates, Hamas unleashed on Israeli civilians, I can’t see anyone in Tel Aviv in the mood for a truce. 

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