July 27, 2024

A prominent LGBT group has launched a petition demanding that the woman behind the Libs of TikTok account, Chaya Raichik, cancel her trip to Oklahoma.

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), an organization focused on LGBT rights, is urging all its “allies” in the deeply Republican state to sign an open letter warning Raichik to call off her visit. 


According to the HRC, Raichik somehow shares responsibility for the tragic killing of a 16-year-old transgender student who died after sustaining injuries during a fight in the school bathrooms, mainly because of Raichik’s reporting on LGBT propaganda in the state’s education system.

The letter explains:

First and foremost, we would like to express our anger and resentment at your decision to target young people in Oklahoma — our state, our home — as well as your dangerous obsession with spreading hate against the 2SLGBTQ+ community and youth. Your attempt to strongarm local communities into policies that create a climate of hate, fear and violence undermines the rights and dignity of Oklahomans and our communities.

As parents, we see firsthand the challenges, bigotry, and discrimination too many children face on a daily basis. And tragically, now we have seen violence. Whether or not you decide to make your way to Oklahoma, we know that the hostility you peddle is traveling to us. The Westboro Baptist Church, an anti-2SLGBTQ+, Southern Poverty Law Center-designated hate group, is protesting outside Owasso schools this week, bringing the bigoted cruelty you share so easily online to our school’s front doors.


It goes on to demand that she resign from the Oklahoma Education Department’s Library Media Advisory Committee, a position she was recently appointed to by the state’s schools superintendent, Ryan Walters:

Your presence on our Education Department’s Library Media Advisory Committee is equally concerning. By promoting discriminatory ideologies and actively opposing the inclusion of books and programming that foster acceptance and inclusivity, you are undermining the integrity of libraries as safe and accessible spaces for all people. We will not allow you to take that away from our children.

We demand that you resign from your position on the Committee immediately. You, and any organization that seeks to bring hate into Oklahoma, are not welcome in our state or in positions of authority and influence here. And we implore you to reflect on the impact of your actions. Our state has just lost one child, and your deliberately cruel attempts to dehumanize transgender people for clicks and likes created a hostile environment in which tragedy felt inevitable. Stay away from our children and stay out of our state.

Raichik, a 29-year-old former real estate agent who has millions of followers across various social media accounts, has become an extremely popular figure in the conservative movement for her reporting on the progressive propagandization of young people across America.


She is particularly despised among progressives in Oklahoma due to her repeated exposés on the state’s education system, including one in which an eighth-grade teacher encouraged students to disown their parents if they did not approve of their sexuality. 

Related: Taylor Lorenz Interviews Libs of TikTok, Legendary Troll Ensues

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