July 26, 2024

Twice as many Ukrainians say they want Kyiv to keep fighting the war against Russia’s invasion, rather than negotiate to end the war sooner, according to a Gallup poll published Monday.

The survey, conducted July 27–Aug. 3, shows 60 percent of Ukrainian residents said Ukraine should continue fighting until it wins the war, compared to 31 percent who said the country should seek to negotiate an ending to the war as soon as possible, and 7 percent who said they don’t know.

The results represent a slight dip from support measured last year, in September 2022, when 70 percent said Ukraine should keep fighting, 26 percent said Ukraine should negotiate an end as soon as possible and 3 percent said they didn’t know.

Still, Ukraine residents remain committed to the cause, which is critical as Ukraine continues its counteroffensive against Russia, nearly 20 months after Russia first rolled tanks across the border.

Support in the United States has also been declining across the political aisle, according to recent polls. An anti-Ukraine-aid faction of the GOP conference has also emerged in the House, posing a challenge to lawmakers as they work to approve new funding requests from President Biden to aid Ukraine.

According to the Gallup poll, however, Ukrainians are united in their support for their military, with 95 percent of respondents saying they have confidence in their military, similar to the 94 percent who said they had confidence in the military in 2022. That number was up from 66 percent in 2021 and 64 percent in 2020.

Ukrainians are also united in what they view as a victory in the war. The vast majority — 91 percent — of Ukrainians said victory includes regaining all territory lost since 2014, including Crimea. Just 3 percent said victory means regaining territory lost since February 2022.

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