July 27, 2024

Russia still controls a railway line near the recently liberated settlement of Klishchiivka but its defence has likely weakened in the city of Bakhmut while the Defence Forces of Ukraine are approaching the road the Russians use as a supply route to Bakhmut from the south of Ukraine.

Source: UK Defence Intelligence’s update on the situation in Ukraine from 20 September

Quote: “Since 15 September 2023, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have secured the villages of Klishchiivka and Andriivka, approximately 8km to the south of the Donetsk Oblast town of Bakhmut.

This tactical success brings Ukrainian forces closer to the T 05-13 road, one of the main supply routes into Bakhmut from the south.

However, Russia continues to hold the railway line which runs along an embankment between Klishchiivka and the T 05-13, creating a readily defendable obstacle.”

Details: At the same time, the UK analysts assume that recent redeployments of Russian airborne forces from Bakhmut to Zaporizhzhia Oblast have likely weakened Russia’s defences around Bakhmut.


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