July 27, 2024

UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps promised on Tuesday additional supplies of artillery shells for Ukrainian forces by the end of the year after a Ramstein-format meeting on defence assistance for Ukraine.

Source: UK Ministry of Defence

Details: Shapps’ statement was made against the backdrop of the shipment of the 300,000th artillery shell. He said that UK aid will allow Ukraine “to defend itself against Russia’s unprovoked invasion and to retake illegally occupied territories.”

Quote: “To ensure Ukraine has what it needs to defend itself as we approach winter, we have also set out how the UK will go further in the coming months in our priority support areas, including air defence and long-range strike capabilities, and training.”

More details: Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of the Defence Staff, said that “President Putin should be worried”.

“This is a tangible demonstration of the international community’s continued resolve to back Ukraine with the military support it requires through the winter and into 2024,” he added.


The UK Ministry of Defence said that to date, the UK has sent Ukraine more than 12,000 anti-tank weapons, 300,000 pieces of artillery ammunition, thousands of air defence missiles and self-propelled artillery systems.

Kyiv also received more than 200,000 pieces of non-lethal military equipment from London, including clothing for extremely cold weather, mine detection equipment and industrial power generators.

By the Western estimates, Ukraine uses up to 10,000 155mm artillery shells per day. And in February, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Kyiv was using up shells much faster than the West could produce them.

The United States is seeking to significantly increase the production of artillery shells – up to 100,000 per month in 2025 – given that they are rapidly being used up in the course of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

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