July 27, 2024

Ukraine has filed demands with the World Trade Organization (WTO) for consultations with Slovakia, Poland and Hungary which banned the import of Ukrainian agricultural products.

Source: Yuliia Svyrydenko, first Deputy Prime Minister of Economy

Quote: “It is crucially important for us to prove that separate member states cannot ban the import of Ukrainian goods. So we are filing complaints with the WTO against them. Meanwhile we hope that these countries will lift their restrictions and we would not have to argue in court for a long time.

We need solidarity with them and the protection of farmers’ interests. The steps we took and the pressure by the European Commission and by other member states will help restore normal trade between Ukraine and neighbouring states as well as show solidarity between us.”

Svyrydenko added that as a result of the unilateral ban of the import of Ukrainian agricultural products by Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, Ukrainian exporters have suffered and continue suffering significant monetary losses due to the wait, additional expenses and the impossibility to fulfil foreign economic agreements.

“Ukraine considers it a violation of international obligations by the three EU member states. The Ukrainian side also believes that unilateral actions of the EU member states in the sector of trade are unacceptable, and all member states must coordinate their trade policy since it is in the EU’s exceptional competence,” the Economy Ministry stressed.

On 15 September, the European Commission reported that the market distortion in five EU member states that border Ukraine have been eliminated thanks to the efforts of the Coordination Platform and temporary measures.

In connection with this the European Commission has decided not to extend its decision about the ban on import of Ukrainian goods. The commission noted that Ukraine must take measures in order to prevent any market distortions in neighbouring member states.

Meanwhile on 15 September 2023 Slovakia, Poland and Hungary unilaterally implemented a national ban on import of Ukrainian agricultural goods.

Background: Ukraine has decided to file a complaint against Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) due to their refusal to lift the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products.

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