July 27, 2024

The Department of Defence Office of Inspector General has announced the appointment of a lead overseer of US aid to Ukraine – Inspector General Robert Storch.

Source: Department of Defence Office of Inspector General, reported by European Pravda

Details: Starting from 18 October, Storch will serve as the lead inspector general for Operation Atlantic Resolve, a US-led effort started in 2014 to strengthen the NATO alliance in response to Russia’s military actions in Ukraine.

As part of Atlantic Resolve, the US Congress has allocated US$113 billion since February 2022 alone for security, economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and other war-affected countries; operations of the US European Command and related support to the US military; and operations of other US government agencies involved in responding to the situation in Ukraine.

In this position, the appointed inspector general will work with the Department of State and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) “to deliver comprehensive and effective oversight” of US assistance in response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Robert Storch will be based directly in Ukraine – for the first time since February 2022 – and will lead the on-site monitoring team for US security assistance to Kyiv, which the Pentagon announced last week.

The creation of the new team comes at a critical time for aid to Ukraine, when a growing number of Republicans have begun to question the need to spend billions of dollars in Ukraine and are calling for greater oversight of where the aid is going.

Background: As it is known, the United States has established an institution to monitor and investigate the illegal actions of fraudsters and corrupt officials who are using the American people’s aid to Ukraine during Russia’s full-scale invasion.

Despite the growing number of reports of possible misuse of US aid, its inspectors have found no signs of serious misconduct in this regard, as reported this spring.

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