July 27, 2024

As the wise old adage warns, never engage in a battle of wits with no ammunition. Unfortunately for Karine Jean-Pierre, the most inept White House press secretary in memory, she’s either unaware of the advice or intentionally ignores it. Then again, one can’t use what one doesn’t have.


Such was the case on Monday when KJP once again chose to go toe-to-toe with Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy — and that was just for starters.

Doocy began his back-and-forth with Jean-Pierre by asking how Biden felt about the pending healthcare workers’ strike:

Since President Biden is so pro-union, is he okay with 75,000 healthcare workers possibly walking off the job this week?

KJP responded like she always responds — with pre-canned White House talking points.

What I can tell you is that — I’ve said this many times already this morning: The President believes all workers — all workers, including healthcare workers and those that make their work possible — they [sic]deserve a [sic] fair pay and they deserve fair — a fair benefit. 

I’ll have to say, like, the Treasury Department laid out recently a major report that unions and collective bargaining are good for the overall economy and help raise wages at [sic] — for everybody, whether they are a union member or not and I think that matters.

Doocy then hit KJP with a well-thrown right hook, deftly alluding to Biden’s recent 12-minute photo-op picket-line stunt with striking autoworkers in Michigan: “Would he consider joining them [healthcare workers] on the picket line if they strike?”

That was all it took to knock KJP off her game.

Look, I don’t have anything else to share on — on the President’s schedule. What I can say is…when we see this type of collective bargaining…it actually helps our economy overall…for all — not just union members, also non-union members.


In other words, she ignored the question.

Next up, Fox News correspondent Hillary Vaughn — AKA: Mrs. Peter Doocy — blistered the daylights out of KJP over the continuing Biden Border Crisis

Two questions on the border, if I can. New York Governor Kathy Hochul says the border is too open right now. Does the President think that the border is too open?

KJP went full-blown Clown World with her response.

So, here’s what I will say: The president, on his own, without the help of Republicans in Congress — let’s not forget, he put forward a comprehensive piece of legislation to deal with immigration reform. Remember, this — this immigration system has been broken for decades and it’s been three years. That’s been almost three years since he put forth that piece of legislation and three things — there are three things that he has moved forward in when it comes to his plan and looking at — looking at the border. 

Memo to KJP: You weren’t asked about failed Biden legislative proposals, you were asked about the wide-open border.

She continued:

There’s enforcement and so, we’ve deployed additional troops and federal agents to the border and removed or returned more than 250,000 individuals since May 12th alone. That’s what we’ve been able to do without the help of Republicans and deterrence — we’ve had the largest expansion certainly of a [sic] pathways to — pathways to — pathways in decades and we’ve made clear that attempting to cross the border unlawfully will result in prompt removal, a five-year ban on — on reentry, and potential criminal prosecution. 

And let’s not forget the diplomacy that we have done with the region, including Mexico, to deal with this issue because it’s not — this is a — this is a regional issue that we’re seeing with — as it relates — as it relates to — as it relates to unlawful migration.


Now to put this tactfully… what a complete crock of manure. First, Biden intentionally created the border crisis. Second, despite his lies and those of his administration, to the contrary, the crisis not only rages on unabated; it continues to expand.

She then doubled up, further humiliating herself:

What I’m saying is that the president, without the help — without the help of Republicans, is doing everything that he can to deal with the border. That’s what he’s been able to do, while Republicans tried to push forth a CR to limit — to take away the federal — the federal agents that we see at the border.  

That’s what he’s trying to do. They’re trying to politicize it and make it worse — make it worse. That’s what Republicans are trying to do and ma — turn it into a political stunt. The president is actually dealing with the issue that’s in front of him by getting record funding, 25,000 federal agents at the border. That is something that this president has been able to do.

Here’s the thing. If Democrat politicians (and their respective mouthpieces) told the truth about their objectives, very few of them would win reelection — or be elected in the first place. 

And if Karine Jean-Pierre answered Hillary Vaughn’s questions honestly, her response would go something like this: 

Look, I’ve answered this question multiple times. What this president is doing is trying his damnedest to import as many illegal aliens into this country as he can get away with — for as long as he can.


In response to “Why?” she’d say:

Because it’s part of the Democrat Party’s overall election strategy. First, if we can’t win by the rules, we cheat. Then, if cheating doesn’t work, we try to change the rules. And if that doesn’t get it done, meaning we win every national election, we’ll continue to import as many what we see as future Democrat voters as it takes. 

Oh, and finally, we want to create a permanent majority underclass that’s dependent on the federal government — the Democrat Party, as we see it — for daily living. 

If you doubt any of the above, you haven’t been paying attention for the last three years.

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