July 27, 2024

In what was perhaps the biggest revelation of Robert Hur’s testimony to Congress on Tuesday, the former special counsel confirmed that the White House pressured him to cover up Joe Biden’s cognitive decline.


That is in stark contrast to past claims made by the Biden administration that it remained apolitical and allowed the DOJ to investigate without any influence. According to Hur, the White House “did request certain edits and changes to the draft report.”

Testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, Hur answered in the affirmative when asked by Representatives Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) and Tom Tiffany (R., Wisc.) whether the White House had asked him to change portions of his report detailing Biden’s difficulties with memory loss before submitting the final report to Attorney General Merrick Garland, who then made it public.

“Did the White House try to weigh in with your investigation on elements of that report and frankly try to get that report changed?” Jordan asked.

“They did request certain edits and changes to the draft report,” Hur answered.

When pressed by Rep. Tom Tiffany, Hur mentioned a letter that was sent by the White House asking that mentions of Biden’s memory issues be removed. National Review obtained a copy of the letter, of which further quotes can be found by clicking here.

“So is it correct that February 5th letter that was sent to you asking you to change references to the president’s poor memory — wasn’t there a request by the White House to do that?” Tiffany asked.

“There was a request, yes,” Hur replied.

The fact that Biden forgot what year his son Beau died has been a major point of contention since the release of Hur’s report. At the time, the White House lambasted the special counsel, claiming that it was insensitive and improper for Beau Biden’s death to be brought up. The now-released transcript, which was discussed at the hearing, told a different story. Namely, that it was Biden who brought up his son’s death in an attempt to deflect his culpability in illegally keeping and mishandling classified materials. It was during that exchange that the president forgot the year, stating 2017 instead of 2015. 


As RedState reported, one CBS News reporter went so far as to suggest Hur’s testimony before Congress proved Biden hadn’t forgotten. That was untrue, though, and Hur attempted to read the transcript in question before the Democrat questioning him interrupted him.

Regardless, it is fairly clear that the White House wanted to suppress parts of Hur’s report for political reasons. Biden had been facing and continues to face major questions about his cognitive decline. The attempt to remove the president’s “senile moments” from the report shows an administration laser-focused on limiting political damage instead of allowing the truth to go forth. Unfortunately for Biden and his handlers, now that this is all public, it will only become a bigger story. 

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